Mortgage for expats in The Netherlands

How to get a mortgage in The Netherlands if you are an expat?

As an expat, it could be interesting for you to buy a house in The Netherlands. There are some basic requirements if you want to apply for a Dutch mortgage (“hypotheek”). Of course you’re bound to the same conditions as the Dutch natives. These are typical things like the height of your income and debts, the value of the property, your labour agreement, marital status and so on.

Mortgage applicationExtra requirements for expats
For an expat there are some extra requirements. A residence permit (“verblijfsvergunning”) and citizen service number (BSN) is mandatory. Some banks or lenders (but not all!) could ask for extra’s like living in here for at least six months, an income in Euro’s or having an EU nationality. They can have additional requirements if you’re new to the country/employer/job.

The Dutch housing market
From the start of the credit crisis in 2008, the Dutch house prices fell by 25%. This lasted until 2013 when prices stabilized. Nowadays prices are approaching pre-crises levels or even exceed it, especially in the regions around Amsterdam, Utrecht and The Hague. Partly due to the low interest rates, buying a house is very popular.

As an expat, should I rent or buy a house?
Renting or buying a property depends on your personal situation and preferences. Hiring or buying a property both have their pros and cons. In short: Renting is flexible and has little risks, but the possibilities are limited, it could be expensive and the rent is lost. In general, buying is (ultimately) less expensive than renting, there is more choice and you can profit of the increase of value. The downside is that the property value can go down and when you want to sell it, there might be a loss. Here you can read more about renting or buying a house (Dutch), an informative website for expats and mortgages
For your convenience we’ve made a special interest website called Expat Mortgage Platform. Here you can find a lot of information about mortgages for expats, calculate your mortgage and how to buy a house in the Netherlands.

How we can help you with your mortgage
HypotheekPlatform can help you obtaining a mortgage. We’ve a great knowledge on mortgages for expats, finding you a suitable mortgage with the best rates. We help you through the whole process with all communication in English of course. Please contact us for an intake, free of charge!

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How can we contact you best?
With a telephone number we can easily contact you, e.g. to schedule a free intake.
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